Now I'm pretty sure that sitting on a seat stem minus the saddle must be pretty painful and I'm hopeful that I never find out, but I'm not sure exactly how much less painful sitting on my saddle is. Also my cycling bib shorts seem to spend all their time protecting the crown jewels and not enough effort covering the waste disposal system. In nearly every turbo run I do the first thing that starts to play up is the under carriage? I wonder what the drag coefficient for a small decorative cushion is?
I suppose the old adage of no pain no gain still holds true and if it was easy to do everyone would be doing it, but I didn't expect all the pain to be in my butt. Another pain in the arse is the way everything else gets in the way of training, you try to plan and plan and plan some more, then remain flexible, but all that real life stuff just gets in the way. Trying to have enough time for work, wife, kids and other bits and bobs plus 6-10 hours of training and extra sleep is not easy. In fact it's not the training that is toughest its actually being mentally strong enough to get your kit on and fit it in, that's the tough part.
Week 6
Monday is usually a rest day, but the weather outside was still very white and with no run on Sunday there is no need to rest. A long day at head office meant today was a turbo day, a late night movie session. Priest (vampire movie) was actually not too bad and the 100 minutes went pretty quickly. It seems the quality of the movie does have an affect on butt pain.
Still too icy outside so still no street running, so down the gym in the morning for an early run. Just over 4 miles on the treadmill was pretty good and okay on the old knees with the last mile at race speed with the chilly Duathlon in mind. After lots of longer distances at slow speeds it was good to crank it up a bit. Just over 3 weeks to go so need to start incorporating some extra quick stuff with that in mind.
Another Wednesday and another busy day and another missed swimming session. I just can't seem to find time in the middle of the day at the moment plus the pool isn't available on Tuesday and Thursday evening, need to think of something else. If I don't get in the pool more often I'll forget how to swim completely. Also what's the chances of this white stuff doing one, snow is fun, this ice rubbish is seriously annoying and affecting the schedule.
Thursday and still no sign of a thaw so it's spin as usual in the morning and then a run before the wife goes to work. Spin class was ram-ode. I do like my spin, you get to do speed work and hill climbs plus you don't have to stop for traffic lights or dodge stupid runners in the cycle lane. I manged to squeeze in a 5 mile run just before dinner and then proceeded to nodded off just after 9 o'clock. More snow on the way was not the news I wanted to hear.
Friday morning and no more snow, game on, although I do have a job to do so that comes first. Cricket in the evening so I pop down the gym for 5km on the treadmill at lunch time. The last kilometre was at full tilt, the duathlon is just over 2 weeks away now. A little something to focus the mind. Nets was good and it's good to actually get to exercise with other human beings rather than pounding the streets on my own.
Rest day Saturday so the day is limited to three games of chess and a beach cricket tourney on the wii, yes I am the Daddy although I do need to work on that little pick up shot and my youngest son needs to work on losing with at least a little grace. 14 mile run tomorrow, that doesn't sounds like fun as more snow is forecast tonight.
Sunday morning breaks revealing a light sprinkling of snow that quickly turns to slush. It's a little warmer, but I'm not sure it is much above 0. 14 miles is the furthest I've ever run and every week is now a journey into the unknown. As I do my pre-run stretches I feel at least 5 twinges that could be serious enough to cancel the run or maybe Aliens have landed and I'll be needed to defend the planet rather than spend the next 2 or so hours running. No? Oh well, maybe the invasion will be next week instead. The mental challenge is so much more than the physical one. On go the shoes fitted with elastic laces, obviously, and off we go. The wind is low, the snow piles manageable and the sleet and rain doesn't start until I'm almost at the furthest point in the run. The final time was good as were the bacon rolls and new experimental cake i consumed just after I'd finished. Sunday afternoon was the usual mix of sore knees, tight muscles and heavy eye lids. What more could you ask for.
Training this week
Swimming 0 hours
Cycling 2.5 hours
Running 3.75 hours
Cross training 1 hour
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