Monday, 12 March 2012

Run Forrest Run

With the duathlon out of the way my focus now turns to my half marathon and marathon in April or so you would think. The sensible thing to do isn't always the way things work out and while I'm doing more running than either of the other 2 disciplines I don't want to let the others slip. Well the swimming couldn't slip much further anyway. With the fun of Sunday still fresh in my mind and after a quick chat with the family executive committee I decided to enter another duathlon in March. 2 weeks time to be exact. I've got a week mid March that is pencilled in as an easy week, a week to recover some energy. Apparently an easy run that Sunday is a half marathon, I'm not sure how that works, but such is life. So I've decided to do two and a half hours of Duathlon in Marlow instead of a 2 hour run along Southend sea front.

The memories of last week's run is still fresh in my mind and I have to say that after the 15.35 miles run I was absolutely done in. I was completely spent, I'd pushed my body to as close to the edge as I ever had. I have no idea how the hell I'm supposed to find another 11 miles. For the first time I was seriously concerned that I might not be able to pull the marathon off. It must be normal to have doubts, everyone must find a point in their training when things just don't add up, but I'm really concerned, I really need to find a way to get through this Sunday's run.

Week 9

Monday is rest day, book up Duathlon day, confirm babysitters for the Triathlon show on Saturday day and then rest some more day. My new duathlon is in Marlow and it's quite a long one, at 7km, 25km, 7km, it looks a good 2 hours and 20 minutes worth of work. It will also be my first competition on open roads which will be a good experience as well. Plus my new magazine came in at the weekend so that will need a good hammering today.

Work has been pretty full on recently so it's nice to be able to get to spin on Tuesday morning. 45 minutes of sweaty hill climbs and fast sprints means the week gets off to a good start. Looks like I'm going to go for the Triathlon in Kent on the 27th May, first time in open water and having to cycle in wet gear. It does mean I need a wetsuit, talc and something to protect from chafing; whatever I get will help with more longer runs as well.

Wednesday is usually swim day and shock horror I actually managed to get in the pool. No disasters, no broken equipment or lost kit. 1500 metres in around 40 minutes, just over half of it front crawl. I need to work on this big time. The last few lengths actually felt like I was getting the timing better. It is frustrating that you have to stop and turn around at the end of each length, hopefully in the open water I can get a better rhythm going. As a bonus I managed to fit in a 4.4 mile run after Debbie (the wife) got home from work. This is fractionally over the 7km run leg of my next race and a 35 minute return wasn't too bad.

A trip to head office on Thursday means no spin class so I have to content myself with a 90 minute turbo session in the evening. This week's movie was an older film, Ben Afleck in Paycheck, a proper man's film and while not a classic it was good enough to block out the pain in my butt for a fair amount of time.

Saturday I'm going to the Triathlon show so I decide to continue with moving my rest day to then and exercising on Friday. 10km in 51:11 just before dinner fits in nicely, just need to map out my run on Sunday (17.3 miles) before heading off to cricket nets. 17.3 miles is a long way and I need a plan of attack, I can't struggle like I did over 15 miles and I need to find a way to run even longer distances.

Off to Sandown Park for the Triathlon show, a good chance to indulge my triathlon obsession for a whole day. I got to see Chrissie Wellington and Helen Jenkins talk, as well as some seminars on training and swimming technique. There were stands a plenty and by lunch time I was buzzing on a multitude of energy bar samples, gels and energy drinks. By the end of the day I had acquired a mass of fliers, a few freebies and 2 more water bottles. Before leaving I decided to spend some money and left the show very happy with some good bargains after picking up some cheap sports drinks, gels and bars plus a very nice wetsuit. The show was a great chance to try all the gear on and get some good advice and the wetsuit fits like a glove. That means I'm now officially ready for anything. Got home in time for tea and the official family wetsuit unveiling which gave everyone a laugh.

Sunday morning meant my long run was due and to be frank I wasn't looking forward to it at all, but rather than just worrying about it I'd spent some time this week planning the run a bit better. I got in a full 9 hours sleep, I got up early and had some breakfast. I then made sure I had enough energy and fluid with me for the run and I made sure I set off at a slow pace. After 2:46:31 of getting rained on I finished the run elated. I actually felt like I could have run the full marathon distance, if my life depended on it, right there and then. Yes, everything ached, but all the way to the end the pace was good and my form was better. Suddenly 26.2 miles actually seems doable.

Training this week
Swimming 0.75 hours
Cycling 2.25 hours
Running 4.25 hours
Cross training 1 hour

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